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Adoption of: STEVEN-BOY

  Adopted! on 20-1-2012 by Juan Antonio

In Conil de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain.
You couldn't recognised him now. He is very good. He has less fear of people. Sometimes I leave him at my mother, where there are alwyas a lot of people. And he is always with Oju (my brown dog from a long time). They are all time together and hey are inseparables. They sleep and eat together, all doing without been farer both of them. They have never fighted. They play a lot.
Steve has been used to be with my brothers, my mother and some nices. When someone comes at home, he doesn't hide. At the beninning, his reaction to the strees was make pipi or poop or sometimes he wanted to bite someone. Now he loves to be at arms and he put his belly up to be caress. He is friendly and sweet. He is happy but I'm more happy that him. I'm not sorry to adopt him... I'm very happy for may decission to put him in my life. Some days he seems that he makes some step back in his behaviour, but there are only few times to do it and they are during short time. He has jet confidence. He doesn't like cars, motorbikes or a lot of people. But it's for that I walk everyday with him several times. He must be use to live with all noises and people.But I'm sure that in some months I will happy to say you that Steven has beat his fears. I know that he has pass very bad when he was a puppy.. but now he is better than at the beginning.

adopted Adoptados 2012
  • Name: STEVEN-BOY
  • Type dog
  • Since 17-10-2011
  • Sex Male 
  • Age 13 years and 2 months 
  • Date of birth 2/2011 
  • Breed cruce de pincher y chihuahua 
  • Size small 
  • Weight 3 KG 
  • City Granada  (Granada)
  • ID 128 


Miedo a las personas.  


Llevaba en la perrera desde que cumplió 2 meses. Fruto de una camada no deseada, su dueño ni siquiera se molestó en buscarle un dueño, optando por lo "fácil": dejar a él y a su hermano en la perrera. Pronto su hermano se adoptó, dejando a Boy rodeado de perros desconocidos y sin casi contacto con seres humanos. Así ha crecido el pobre, con faltas de sociabilización, con mucho miedo en el cuerpo, tímido y triste. ¿Qué se puede esperar cuando un cachorro el único contacto que recibe del ser humano son manguerazos de agua fría y un cuenco con comida una vez al día?
Ahora está en casa de acogida. La mujer que lo cuida hace todo lo posible por sociabilizarlo y ya lo coge en brazos y le enseña lo buenas que son las caricias... Cada día Boy avanza un poquito más y se está haciendo un hombrecito más simpático. Se lleva muy bien con otros perros, tanto machos, como hembras.

Acogido y rehabilitado por Ana en Granada

Contact for STEVEN-BOY

Request of contact for STEVEN-BOY

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