next journey: France - a new live begins for 3 of our puppies


Earlier we informed you that we saved 7 puppies that were going to be sacrified. We could find foster homes for all of them. This foster homes were found through various  french organisacions: Animalliance, Association Liberté Sans Frontière, CCTNA y L'Eden Valley. The person responsible for all this is Clémence Aspisi, student of Erasmus in Dijon (France) and unfatiguing volunteer for 5 months in our shelter. Going home to France she promised to continue helping animals in need. Thank you very much Clémence, we will always keep you in good memory!

They also offered foster homes for furthre 5 puppies puplished with a different notice, but they could not travel since they have caught the parvo virus and they have to recover first. The journey would be too stressful for them and could cause harm to them. They will leave later. These asociacions have opend their doors for our puppies for which nobody has shown any interest so far in Spain. Now we have places where the 4 puppies rescued from being sacrified can recover perfectly.

We present you those dogs that will get to know a different country, thanks a lot from our side!


Remy from the killing station an Buba from us


Poti from the killing station an Puff from us

Wofi from us and         Brownie from us

Polly from us and                Ken from uy


Samba from the killing station and a little cat from the killing station

CCTNA all from our shelter

Bambú                      Tara

Sol                               Luz


7 puppies rescued from the killing station Our animals have savely arrived in France...