With only one click you can enable us to gain a car - without being registrated!
Update 10 of July: We have to catch up to finally win a car! We are behind and we need a lot more votes to be successful. Please keep in mind that we have to drive several times to the veterenarians (20 km) and this causes a lot of effort and money. If we would gain a bigger car, we could do this in only one tour. Please vote for us until 31th. of July! THANKS!!!
Hello all togehter!
We would like to as for you help to enable us to win a car in facebook. Since we regularly have to take our animals to the veterinarian, have to bring them to foster homes, have to make control visits, have to pick up animals in need etc. we are in need of a car to be able to realize all our challenges.
You simply have to click on the link below than on "Lista de asosiaciones" and then on the very bottom you have to insert in
"nombre" our associacion "LADRIDOS VAGABUNDOS". Then click on "dona 1cklick"
If you invite more fans you can click twice (go to "I like it")
To find out if you have voted properly: go back to the original link and try to vote again. If you are unable to do so, you succeeded, if you can vote, try again... in case you need help contact us and we will asisst you.
end is the 31th of July.