Showing from 301 to 305 in total of 354
Lupa and her 9 puppies
When comes the day when people start to change their opinion that castration/sterilisation is a brutal act?
None of these can hardly imagine in what tough situation we are. What solution can they offer? Drown the puppies, give them into the killing station, into our shelter, to unresponsible peoplein category 2012
This littel dog, abandoned in Granada, seeks for a new home
Once again we were contacted to find a new place for this abandoned dog. A lady found him in Granada. Since our shelter is full and our fosterhomes as well, we ask you to contact the following person directly.
in category 2012
RICHI, seems to be invisible as only one person tried to help him
Richi was lied in the ditch behind a trash can for some days waiting for his death in the heat of Spain. He could not move. A lady saw him from his balcony and called the organisation "Una Cuccia per la Vita" to have him saved. When arriving the volunteers noticed a group of people laughing and drinking (they are meeting at this place on a daily basis) without even throw a glance at the dying dog.
in category 2012
MIERCOLES, a siamese granadian stray cat is waiting for a home
UPDATE 19. September: finally we have good news: her eyes are a lot better due to the excellent treatment in the clinic and she has started to eat after two days not having eaten anything. We could take her to the orthopedic surgeon and they confirmed that she only has a slight fracture thus they only attached a small filament to strenghten her leg. Now she has to recover from the narcosis and I will take her over the weekend since the fosterhome is not available. We hope she will continue with her good developement and we will keep you informed.
in category 2012
This puppy needs a home
We want to help a person to find a new home for an abandoned puppy. She is 2 months weighs 4 kg and will be medium sized.
She is very intelligent, loves to play and is a typical puppy. She was found in front of a door and the person took her inside but cannot take further care of her since he willin category 2012