Publicaciones en General

Showing from 176 to 180 in total of 185

  • TERRA: we have founded her in very bad conditions

    TERRA: we have founded her in very bad conditions


    Terra was crossed the main road outside Granada when the volunteers saw her. She seem that she didn't want to live because she crossed a lot of time the road without seeing the cars. They dodged the dog but nobody stopped to help her.
    There was another small dog with her, but the volunteers couldn'

    in category General

  • Exhibition in Seville


    Place: Polideportivo of Mairena del Alcor (Seville)
    Organize: Andalucía Canina
    Sponsor: Verselle-Laga

    During the all day of 29 April, Andalucia Canina will do work exhibitions and education with its dog team. The Asociacion Ladridos Vagabundos will be there and it will participate with 4 of our dogs.

    in category General

  • Mica, en residencia, necesita adopción o padrinos urgente.

    Mica, en residencia, necesita adopción o padrinos urgente.


    En adopción: preciosa perrita de unos 2 años, muy obediente, muy buen carácter y tranquila. Sus dueños intentaron llevarla a la perrera, pero no lo consiguieron por pertenecer a la Asociación Salva Recate.

    in category General

  • Cats looking for a home or a foster home.

    Cats looking for a home or a foster home.


     Very urgent! There are on the street. They need home! 

    in category General

  • BONGO: sacrificed because of inoperable tumour

    BONGO: sacrificed because of inoperable tumour


     Bongo ha cruzado el arco iris. Queríamos todo lo mejor para él, pero no se pudo hacer más. Bongo tenía un tumor no-operable en la médula espinal, sufría muchísimo y no tenía solución. Queremos dar las gracias a todos los voluntarios y veterinarios que han acudido a su rescate y a las personas que d

    in category General

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