
Showing from 241 to 245 in total of 352

  • Dog-Party on 12.5. 13

    Dog-Party on 12.5. 13


    Please join us on 12.5. together with your mascot to welcome the spring. We will organize competitions, will make presents, will present our information desk and explain adoption proceedures. Some of our dogs from the shelter will be there..
    To take part in the competition you have to register inbe

    in category General

  • Esperanza: giving birth to death puppies...

    Esperanza: giving birth to death puppies...


    Esperanza was straying around in a town and we could not get closer since she showed a lot of fear.

    in category General

  • Vynut needed to be put to sleep...

    Vynut needed to be put to sleep...


    On 26.4. we needed to say good-by to our special dog Vynut. We found him in extrem bad conditions and he struggled himself back into life. But his blood finally was almost water and he lost his strength... We will always think of him!

  • ASLAVAG en el periódico IDEAL

    ASLAVAG en el periódico IDEAL


    Tras el exitoso paseo por el centro de Granada con nuestros perros del refugio, la noticia podía leerse al día siguiente en el periódico IDEAL.

    Durante el paseo todos nuestros perros se portaron de maravilla, pudieron salir 25 perros del refugio! Algunos de ellos no habían salido nunca del refugio, y por fin han podido volver a pasear por la ciudad, si es que alguna vez (en su vida anterior al abandono) la conocieron.

    Por lo que nuestra intención es continuar haciendo paseos a menudo para divertirles a ellos y para que la gente se conciencie del abandono y se anime a adoptar un perro adulto.

  • A dog-walking-tour through Granada

    A dog-walking-tour through Granada


    The dogs from our shelter will do a walk through Granada!

    in category General

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