Showing from 286 to 290 in total of 354
China and Gordo left alone on Granada´s streets
They appeared one day and never left this place, maybe they have been abandoned there. People in the village got annoyed and called the killing station but they could escape. When feeling save they turned up again. They show fear against people, an animal protecting lady feeds them.
in category 2012
VYNUT, what a wonderful dog!
Update 31st October:
We went to the veterinarian and he needs further treatment against leishmania. We cut his nails and since he showed much fear, 3 persons had to hold him. He recognised Miriam and Mar and we could see he was happy.
When people ring the door he starts barking loudly now and we want to correct this behaviour. When we go for walks and leave him at a certain distance he gets very afraid we would leave him. He always wants closness and love. Every day is a present for us, he is a wonderful dog! We send category 2012
ESTRELLA, what a miserable life...
Update 26.11.: Estrella now is in a fosterhome. She is lovely, sweet and has used her injured paw for the first time. The x-ray is showing that no bone is broken. Obviously a nerv is pinched and she receives acupunture. She already found a fosterhome in Germany and we hope she finally will be very lucky!
in category 2012
Yorki got lost in Cogollos Vega, Granada
Perdido Yorki en Granada. Tiene 15 años y tiene problemas de corazón y riñón.
in category 2012
This 5 - 6 year old dog was found in Belicena, Granada
Some kids found this dog in the street of Belicena, Granada. The veterinarian could not find a chip. Many people still do not obey the ley that each dog has to be chiped in Spain! It is obligatory!
in category 2012